Tag: organizing tips

Declutter Shoes

Clear the old out and make room to breathe.

As with clothing, when I acquire shoes, I have a rule to let go of as many pairs as I bring in to make room for the new. It's tough! But reality is, many of us only...

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Declutter the Junk Drawer

Declutter First, Organize Next. 

Discard what you don't need and it magically creates space that makes cleaning and organizing easier. Let go of the old and unnecessary, expired, used up, what upsets you, what's no longer your style, and that which takes up space you need for something more meaningful. It's time to say goodbye and move on...  

Declutter First, Organize Next. 

Discarding what you do not need is key to creating valuable space that will make cleaning and organizing easier. Let go of the old, expired, outworn, used up, what upsets you, what's no longer your style, and...
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