Tag: how to declutter

Declutter the Wardrobe Closet

Say farewell to what you don't need and magically create space that makes cleaning, organizing, and finding things easier.

When I acquire clothing, I have a rule to let go of as many as I bring in to make room for the new and stay...

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Declutter the Medicine Cabinet

Declutter First, Organize Next. 

Discarding what you do not need is key to creating valuable space that will make cleaning and organizing easier. Let go of the old, expired, outworn, used up, what upsets you, what's no longer your style, and...
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Tips to Get the Garage Organized

Fremont, CA Garage

One of the toughest areas to get and keep organized is the garage. It is a catch-all and living “to-do" list. A multipurpose nature coupled with being out-of-sight, out-of-mind makes a garage prone to clutter. No space could be more useful when utilized well.

My boy Newton. He owns and loves but a few simple toy, but we have the most fun hiking together in the East Bay Regional Park hills.

Getting organized doesn't happen overnight. 

It's a process or a "lifestyle change" that develops and improves...

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