Change Passwords – Get Organized in the New Year


Commit to get organized and stay protected by updating account passwords this month – Email, banking, credit card, investment, Paypal, Venmo, government and taxes, online stores and commerce sites, social media, digital storage sites for photos, videos, and documents, gaming & entertainment, personal websites, and even your ATM pin.

Online managers such as 1Password, Dashlane, and Lastpass exist to help organize and secure passwords in one place, but remember that anything online and in the cloud is vulnerable to hacking no matter how many layers of encryption they claim to have, just as your home is vulnerable to burglary despite dogs and alarm systems.

Keep passwords in a safe place that only you and those you trust can access. Update them at least once per year and stay safe.

Isabella Guajardo is a San Francisco Bay Area professional organizer and a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO). She travels to work with clients throughout the Greater San Francisco Bay Area and around the world. Call (510) 229-7321 for a complimentary consultation on how we can get your home or office moved and/or organized. Gift cards are available.